Friday, June 14, 2013

Titus & Angel

This morning the pups were awake and excited to see me. I let them out right away, while I got their breakfast ready. Titus came back in and was bouncing around, ready to play! He got down in his playful posture, challenging me to come chase him. He wandered over and started to nibble on some food, while Angel sat with me for a back scratch. Later, we went and sat out back. Titus rolled over at my feet and got a belly rub, then he sat up and enjoyed having his ears rubbed too. Angel curled up and relaxed on the nice cool concrete. Later, she got me her pumpkin and we played some fetch. Titus wanted to join in, so he grabbed onto the toy as well and they had a little tug match. I threw it for Angel, then Titus would race laps around the yard, bouncing around like a little reindeer! He thought it was fun to jump as high as he could over the toy laying in the grass. Silly guy! This evening both pups were already at the back door when I walked in! Titus was bouncing up and down. I had them come inside to eat their dinner. They both laid down and finished their food pretty quick. We went back outside for awhile so they could play and get a last potty break in before bedtime. We heard some loud banging sounds from off in the distance that got Angel a little worked up. She would run over to me when we would hear it, and wasn't sure if she should be scared or not. As soon as it stopped, she went back to playing. When it was time I got them in their room, made sure they had plenty of water, and took their collars off for them.

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