Tuesday, February 23, 2010


He did remember, so you don't have to worry about leaving me one on Thursday! Benny was excited today. He came up to me carrying his yellow bone and stood on his hind legs like "lookie what I have!". He tried to bring it along for our walk! Benny was full of energy himself this afternoon. He was pulling pretty good at first and barking at things that were blowing around in the wind. He settled down after a little bit. It's funny, he knows all the houses that have dogs now! He gets excited when we come up to them and started his little growl before we get to it or before we ever hear the dogs. He did good today when we walked past a lady getting ready for a walk with her stroller. I put myself in between him and the lady, and he never made a peep! He was pretty pooped though when we got back from our walk.