Monday, May 22, 2017

Oreo & Stuffs

This morning I found Stuffy sitting on the chair by the back door. Oreo was just strolling into the kitchen. I got the boys their food and meds, then tended to their other things quick. The boys both joined me in our spot for some attention time. Stuffy didn't hang out too long. Oreo got up to snack some more, then returned for more chin rubs. This evening Oreo came racing down the stairs to meet me. He brushed up against my legs in the kitchen while I got him his pill sandwich and his food. Haha. Stuffy was hanging out on the bottom of the stairs. I brought him his plate and he just about licked it clean. He got his medicine then I went to meet Oreo in the living room. He was snuggling up with his catnip pillow while he waited for me. Haha. Stuffy ventured in by us too and the boys laid on either side of me for their attention.