Saturday, September 25, 2010

Bitty, Spirit, Angel, Baby and Shelby

A faithful Bitty welcomed me at the door this evening! He stayed for a few scratches and then he was off to go back to his daily nap. Angel came out and followed me into the kitchen. She thanked me for a fresh bowl of water! Shelby was waiting at the door with a wagging tail! We played outside for a few minutes, but she was ready to go in to see her furry friends! Baby knew exactly what the sound of the yogurt bag is and enjoyed a treat! Shelby got a little jealous, so after a few more scratches for Baby, it was back out to give Shelby a treat and some scratches! She even posed for a picture!

Bitty, Spirit, Angel, Baby and Shelby

This afternoon, Angel greeted me by the door; she always has a lot to say!! I found Bitty taking a nap on the couch; he looks comfortable and quite content! Shelby was excited to see me and we enjoyed some outside time; she made sure to avoid the crazy sprinklers!! Back inside I found Angel sleeping in her normal spot, on top of the bed! He opened his eyes just enough to see who it was and then closed them again and went back to his nap! Baby's little nose was working as I scratched and scratched! I went back out to give Shelby a goodbye scratch!

Daisy, Prissy & Ally

This morning Prissy and Ally were both lounging in the living room when I came in. I said hi to them for a little while before heading up to play with Daisy. Ally sure loves having me pet her! Daisy was full of energy this morning and was running back and forth from the hallway to the bedroom. She took a little break to chew on her corn cob, then off to explore some more. She came by me often to get pet too! I grabbed her food bag and she would magically appear at my feet. Tonight Ally was sitting in the living room, but I didn't see Prissy until I was off to see Daisy. Daisy spent most of the time tonight in her cage. I guess she pooped herself out today! She did come out to explore down the hallway for a bit. Later, she crawled behind her cage and took a little snooze. When it was time to go, she was excited to get her treats! I stopped down by the girls to pet them for a little bit again before I left.


Tonight Chelsea was barking out the window when I came walking up. As soon as I opened the door, her little heiny started wagging! She danced little circles around me while I pet her. Chelsea then ran up to the counter and stared at her leash, ready for a walk! It was very nice out tonight, so we took a really long walk. Her little nosie was busy sniffing around all over the place. There was a chocolate lab outside one of the houses we passed by, and they both stopped to look at each other. When we got back home, I fed Chelsea her dinner.
I'm ready to go in and have my supper!

Bitty, Spirit, Angel, Baby and Shelby

Shelby greeted me at the door with a wagging tail and a big stretch! I said a quick hello to Bitty and went outside with Shelby to say hello to the beautiful morning. A fresh bowl of water and food made her very happy! Then back inside to say good morning to the cats and Baby! Bitty enjoyed some scratches and Angel had a long conversation with me! Baby was jumping around and was loving the scratches and a little morning treat. Such a lively, little bunny! After some petting, she finally decided she would pose for a great picture! Spirit was enjoying the view from atop the bed; he stuck his head out for a few scratches! I filled up the cat food and cleaned out the new litter container; it works great! Then back outside to play with Shelby and water the new grass! She enjoyed some scratches and, of course, a treat!