Thursday, July 1, 2010

Maggie & Moe

When I got in tonight both of the girls were going crazy, they were sooo excited to see me. They came running right up and were jumping all over the place. I made my way to the back door to let them out right away so they wouldn't have any accidents with all the excitment. They both went running out right away but pretty soon after going out Moe wanted to go back in for some reason. She wouldn't go back out in the yard for me, just sat by the back door and once in a while pawed at it. So we all went back in and played around for a while. I sat on the ground and got sooo many kisses from Maggie. Moe was still getting some attention from me and coming up here and there but seemed upset, then I started hearing the fireworks. I wonder if she gets upset by them and maybe that's why she didn't want to go in the back yard. I let them out for a little bit before leaving to see if they would go potty for me but Miss Moe was not liking that at all. I also noticed that they both had a little bit of the rash on their undersides going on again.