Sunday, April 18, 2010

Koko & Sierra

Sierra didn't eat her supper from last night, but she did eat the chicken pieces after I left. She was uninterested in her breakfast again and was waiting for me to get the laser out. I moved their potty pads into their new room, and they were following me. They just looked at me like, "Hey what's going on?". Then they both bolted into the kitchen. They knew what time it was! Sierra didn't eat her breakfast from this morning. Hopefully she has an appetite soon! I said hi to the girls for awhile then got their supper ready. Koko was hopping up in my lap and snuggling with me and Sierra was sniffing at my face and dancing around excitedly. She still has lots of energy even though she hasn't ate much! Her tummy was grumbling and Koko would get startled and look around like, "What was that?!". It was pretty funny! We played lighty for a bit before it was time to go.

Lily & Grace

Lily and Grace were both staring in through the screen door, jumping up and down this morning! Lily ate her breakfast while Grace got some attention. Lily watched Grace eat hers, and every now and then would push her bowl around. I gave Grace her allergy pills this morning, and I could tell that she was itchy today. Grace dropped a piece underneath her, so Lily went between Grace's back legs and pushed her up in the air a little to get it! After breakfast they got their morning treats. Their coats were pretty wet this morning, but I brushed them anyways. They were happy about that! I got twice as much hair out of Lily as I did Grace. Lily sat at my side and if I stopped petting her to give Grace some attention, she would put her paw up on my arm, just to let me know she was still there! They gave me those sad faces again when I left, but I told them mom would be home later!