Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sadi & Stormy

We had a rough start this morning, but the girls both came to see me in the kitchen, once I got everything settled. I gave Sadi her dose of liquid meds, then got their food ready. The girls both wandered into their room behind me. Sadi was stuffed up on both sides this morning. Once I got her cleaned up, she sounded ok. I put her down by Stormy, and she got herself a long drink. We headed to our spot, and the girls enjoyed some attention. Stormy curled up as close to me as she could! Before I left, I took Sadi back by the food. She ate a bit for me, which was good. This evening, Sadi was doing much better. She only had a small amount of discharge on one side. Once that was cleared away, she didn't sound too congested. I gave her the eye and antibiotic meds for the evening. I set her in by the food next, but she wasn't interested at the time.