Monday, April 6, 2015

Sadi & Noell

This evening Noell came strolling down the hall from the opposite direction I usually see. Once I met up with her, I saw one of the guest room doors was open. She must have been napping in there! I went ahead and closed the door. Miss Sadi was snoozing away in her squished down tent bed. Haha. I woke her up to clean up her nose and give her her eye drops. Noell tagged along to the kitchen to help get her dinner ready. Both girls ate well for me.

Bella & Chico

This morning it was a bit warmer out than yesterday. It was misting lightly when I arrived. I let the pups out right away. Bella zoomed for the door and Chico did a big stretch on his way out to follow. There were some worms flopping around on the deck that had Bella and Chico intrigued for awhile. Then, they ran off to go do their business. They took turns working on breakfast in between roaming around the yard. They came in when it was time and got their snacks. This afternoon, the pups and I headed out back. It was pretty nice out! Chico hopped up on the bench to come visit me. That got miss Bella jealous, so she ran over for some pets too! They were busy checking everything out. I think Bella was checking the yard for some worms to snack on. That didn't sit well in her tummy and she ended up getting sick. She didn't try looking for any more after that! Chico kept busy pacing along the fence, waiting for his friend to come out. Eventually, we made our way back inside and the pups got their peanut butter snacks.