Tuesday, September 1, 2015


This afternoon it was pretty toasty out there! I got Winston all harnessed up and we headed outside. He wandered around and did his thing. We got some shade and a good breeze while we were out walking around, so that helped. Winston led me around and caught the scent of some things in the grass today. He had to stop for quite awhile to check those out! Winston led me back home when he was ready to go cool off. We went in and he got his rope toy for us to play. He was busy doing his bunny hops as he tried to win his game of tug!


This afternoon Oscar was right at the door to say hi. He was prancing around excitedly as we made our way to the back door. He went out and took off to go explore right away. He returned shortly after and sat with his back to me. I guess he wanted some back scratches! Next, he was barking at me to play. I got his Frisbee and we played for a bit. He didn't want to give it up once he had it, so it was chase and tug of war! Later on, Oscar got warm and decided to relax in the shade for awhile until we headed inside.


This morning Noell was hanging out on her patio when I arrived. She hopped up and started talking to me right away, then would be flopping and rolling around on the ground for some pets! Haha. I turned on the water outside, then came back in to feed miss kitty. I got her fresh food for breakfast and she took a few nibbles while I scooped her box and filled her other dishes. As soon as I was done, she stopped and led the way to the living room. She was ready for some playtime with her fishy! She chased and zoomed, then rested and waited for her chin rubs.