Friday, June 14, 2013

Rusty, Ruby & the gang

Today I saw Justin was just chillin' in the water. Chloe and Heyday were at the far end of the yard, just walking around. Their bucket was a bit dirty today, so I cleaned ghat out before refilling it. After feeding and watering everyone else, Rusty was waiting outside for me with his ball for a game of fetch. This afternoon I let Ruby out and we all headed outside. Ruby didn't stay out long. She thought it was too hot out! Instead of working on his tan, Rusty actually wanted to play some fetch. He brought me his ball and we had fun with that for awhile. He would have kept going, but I made him come inside for a break. The two silly pups went and sat in their room. Miss Ruby had been working on a bone. As I was leaving, I saw Salem curled up on the bed. I stopped to say hi and let her smell me a bit. Tonight Ruby saw me in the window and raced to the door to say hi. She and Rusty both were doing their little wiggly butt dance that they do! I walked out and fed Justin, Heyday and Chloe. After they finished eating, they all went for a swim! Ruby spent most of my visit inside again, since it was still quite warm out. Rusty was happy to get another game of fetch in! When we went inside I got him a fresh bowl of cool water to drink.

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