Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Bella, Louie & Chico

It was a nice morning for the pups to go outside and play. They all did some exploring, being sure to check everything out. The grass was wet, so Louie was having fun being a crazy man. He zoomed all over the place. He was going a little fast around a corner at one point and wiped out. Poor guy! I knew he was ok though, because he went right back to racing around. Once they settled a bit, they worked on eating some breakfast for me. Chico had brought out a rawhide chip that he had tucked away in his bed. Later, I saw Bella had stolen it and brought it outside to snack on. This afternoon was nice and warm out. Bella and Chico were busy wrestling around in the grass for awhile. Louie took that time to snack on Bella's leftovers from breakfast. This evening everyone zoomed outside, while I got their dinner ready. We could hear lots of people outside in the distance, so that kept Bella and Chico racing from one end of the yard to the other. Eventually, they all worked on eating. Louie curled up on his bed in the living room for awhile. When it was time for bed, they each got a snack.

Sadi & Stormy

This morning I spotted Stormy in the living room while I got their food ready. She wandered to the kitchen to come say hi. I think she was happy I didn't have to give her any meds today! She followed me to go eat, while I got Sadi out from under the bed. Sadi got her meds, then she got to join Stormy for a little breakfast. They ate a bit, then came to see me in the living room. Stormy was being silly again today, in such a playful mood. I grabbed her yellow mouse toy and she rolled around and swatted at that for a bit. Sadi was just happy getting her pets.