Sunday, June 26, 2016

Billie, Roxy and the gang

This morning the pups went out as I got breakfast ready. Pip got working on his, then the girls came in to eat. I checked on Journey and fed Oreo breakfast too. While the girls played and enjoyed the beautiful morning, I went to go spend some time with Pip. I discovered that he sure likes pouncing on and biting toes! Haha little turkey. I had him chasing his string toy around awhile. Then, I rolled the big ball kitty toy that's about as big as he is. He had just the funnest time rolling around with that thing!! I checked on the girls and let them in when it was time. This evening it was just starting to rain when I arrived. Roxy and Billie went out for their potty break. Billie did just that and was ready to get back inside right away! They ate dinner and I went to go feed Pip. While he was locked away, the big kitties came out to play! Haha. Chili went and sat on the window sill, and Salt came out to play with me and chase the string for a bit. Meanwhile, Pip was pathetically meowing, "Help! Let me out!" and sticking his paws out under the door. Hehe. I let him out and discovered he'd eaten all his food for me for once. Yay! Next, I went outside to visit the girls. They were busy wrestling around. The rain had stopped, but the wind had picked up quite a bit. I think we're in for a few storms this evening.