Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Coco & Bear

This morning Coco was sleeping in her bed by the window. I brought her some food right away and she ate a good amount for me. When she was finished, she got up and went to her spot in the closet for a nap. Bear was patiently waiting for me to come brush her! This afternoon they had already eaten a good amount of their canned food. I spent some time in by Bear and brushed her while she purred away. I got a new can of food and brought it to Coco in the closet. She ate a little bit for me, then hopped down and went into the other room. While she was eating, Bear came in by us and started meowing at me! Tonight they had already polished off the one plate of food. They really like that Fancy Feast! I topped off their dry food again and opened up a new can of food. Coco was in her closet again. She ate a little bit for me, then wanted to be left alone. I pet and brushed Bear for awhile. She was so happy she was giving me kisses!

Dakota & Benny

I was happy to see Kota and Benny today! Kota was very excited to go for a walk. Benny noticed there was a new pool in someone's yard and growled at it as we passed by. Kota was just bouncing and galloping around, enjoying being outside! We took a pretty good walk today. We came home once they were getting hot and spent the rest of the time inside the cool house. Benny sprawled out on the kitchen floor right away. I got them some cool water and ice cubes. Kota stuck her whole face almost up to her eyes in the water to get one! Then she started to dig in the water, so I dried up the floor with a towel. Silly girl! We played fetch with their food a little and Kota had some lunch after.