Saturday, April 3, 2010

Dakota & Benny

Benny was running circles around the living room when I came in last night. I let them both outside and they took off as soon as they hit the concrete! Kota was racing around and around. I guess she had a little energy to burn! I think Benny likes his new fence, since he doesn't have to protect his yard from the neighbor doggies anymore. Usually he just spends the whole time racing back and forth along the fence, but tonight he actually played fetch with me for awhile. Benny joined Kota for a little bit running circles around the yard too! He didn't want to bring me the ball back, so I had to keep finding a new one to throw. They got pretty muddy, but not nearly as bad as last time. I hosed Kota's legs off and she wasn't too happy about that! I let her inside and took Benny to the tub to rinse his legs and tummy off. After I dried him, I opened the door and Kota was waiting for him! Kota had some supper afterwards, and Benny got a back and tummy scratchin'. He started rolling around and rubbing his head on me. He was so funny!
Kota chillin' on the patio table!