Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Rusty, Ruby & the kitties

Today I was surprised to see Ruby greet me in the kitchen. Rusty joined her, so we all went outside right away. Rusty ran out and picked up his ball. Ruby came and sat with me for some heiny scratches. She was loving that up! Rusty rolled around in the grass awhile, then he brought me his ball for a game of fetch. He played for awhile, until I made him take a break. He was panting, so I wanted him to cool down a bit. Inside, I played with Lance. He ran to the living room ahead of me, then sat and pawed at the air. "I'm ready!" He rolled around and pounced on his toy, having a blast as always. I kept hearing funny noises today. I went to look and see where it was coming from. I happened upon Salem, who was wide-eyed and having some fun of her own! Haha. Rusty was in and out, enjoying the nice day. I threw his ball for him a few more times before I left.