Thursday, May 20, 2010


Capone was right at the door when I came in. He immediately started rubbing against my legs so I could barely walk inside! I began to read the note on the counter after I said hi to him, and he hopped up on the counter. "Pet me!" I picked him up and got him his supper. While he was eating I gave him fresh water and scooped his litter. When we were done, we played in the living room. He used his scratching post, so I tossed a couple treats for him. We played with his little green frog. I also discovered the laser pen, so he was chasing after that for awhile!


We had more storms again yesterday. Jerrie was sleeping soundly on his blanket on the bed when I came to see him. We were both very sneezy! He came and snuggled with me for quite awhile. He did his usual rolling around and purring while I pet him. Today I came in and Jerrie wasn't in either of his usual two spots! I looked in every open room for him and there was no sign of him. I proceeded to check underneath all the furniture. Finally I found him under the bed, sitting in the fabric that covers the box spring! He didn't want to come out for me at first, but eventually gingerly came out. He seemed to be startled by any little noise! I'm not sure what spooked him. We had some very bad storms last night. Tulsa county had a tornado warning, but thankfully none appeared. It had been storming a lot while you were gone though, so I don't think that was it. There was a package on the door step this morning, so I brough that inside. Then I thought, maybe could the possible doorbell/knocking have scared him? He calmed down a lot after I spent time petting him. He even played a little with me today! He chased after the string on my camera, and went over to his kitty tunnel and batted at that toy.