Friday, September 6, 2013

Ellie, Penny & Jake

This evening I walked into the yard and all three pups came racing around the corner to say hi! They surrounded me to check me out for a minute, then we slowly made our way to the patio. I got all their dinners ready and asked them to sit for me. Jake plopped his little heiny down instantly. Good boy! Penny took a little coaxing, but Ellie just ignored me. She was waaaaayy too excited! She was busy standing against the table trying to get more attention. Maybe tomorrow she'll do better. Haha! They all chowed down on their dinners; Penny got to work on hers after I gave her her pets first. After they finished, I went to get the hose to get them some fresh water. The girls played in the bucket and chomped at the flow of water from the hose. They were having so much fun! Poor Jake kept his distance from the scary water! Ellie kept following the water around, so we played a bit after their buckets were filled. The girls had a blast getting soaked, jumping around and trying to catch the water. I got them all a treat before I left.