Friday, November 27, 2009


Capone is getting more and more snuggly each time I see him. He tries to rub on my leg while I'm trying to get in the door now. He had his bowl off the mat as usual, but this time the bowl  from the side that had opened was laying in the middle of the kitchen and the other side looked like he almost got it open! He was so lovey he was rubbing his head on my hand as I was pouring his food in the bowl. Then he followed me again to the litterbox. After he got done eating, I tossed a couple treats for him to chase after.

Boomer, Ladybug, Bella & Bo

It was such a nice day outside for the puppies to play! They played outside the whole time for each visit. Boomer found a bone and was trying to play keep away from everyone else. The puppies spent a lot of time tackling each other. Ladybug kept trying to get the bone away from Boomer when she wasn't patrolling the yard. Ladybug was very jealous over me all day. Anytime I was petting someone, she would come running and jump in my lap. Everyone is very snuggly with me! At the last visit I tucked everyone in for the night.


Molly is warming up to me really quick. This morning I got to spend more time with her. She got the last of the ID on her food. She's been taking her meds for me really good. After she was done eating and doing her business we went inside and sat on her chair. I gave her a rub with her little massager and she loved that! She started rolling onto her side. Then I grabbed her rag toy and she played fetch with me for a little bit. Tonight when I came in the door, she was jumping up and down barking at me. She ran to the back door to eat before I even had her food ready. When we came in, she got all excited. She started running around then crouching down in the play position with her heiny in the air! So we chased each other around the house for awhile and played some more fetch! She's been getting lots of treats! I put them all over for her before I leave. Oh, and I gave her a big hug and kiss for you!!

Zeus, Baxter, Zelda

Zeus and Baxter are doing well. This morning I still hadn't seen Zelda. But tonight, I let the dogs out back, and saw her curled up on a chair. I carried her into the garage and closed the door, so she's in for the night. Before I put her down I had to chase an orange kitty out of the garage that was eating her food! She's a very nice kitty, I was petting her for awhile and she purred the whole time. Tonight Zeus was chasing after something on the other side of the fence. I couldn't see him anymore so I don't know what it was. It was really nice out, so they didn't want to come in right away!

Amor, Shady, Poncho, Libby, + 1 more

Tonight when I came I stepped over the doggie bed that was by the couch. As I was, it moved! Shady was hiding inside it! I got really scared because I couldn't find Amor when I got there! I noticed some things were different than I had left them, and also there was a container of orange juice on the counter. Then I realized your son must have come home in between my visits. I started opening all the doors and calling for Amor. Finally, she came walking out! Phew! The puppies did very well again, only 2 accidents. I let them all out potty and fed them. I brought the puppies in to eat, and they ate the most they ever have for me yet! For me, I think bringing them in is the trick.

Sierra & Koko

Sierra and Koko are doing good today. Sierra still wont eat while I'm there and has to have her bowl in the bedroom. She's too excited for her lighty! She cries and cries for it and tries to look up on the counter for it. Today I was cleaning up their pads and they both came in by me and started staring and barking at me playfully.

Amor, Shady, Poncho, Libby, + 1 more

The puppies didn't do too bad overnight. There were only a few accidents to clean up. It was another nice morning so they all went out for awhile. I brought the puppies back inside to eat and everyone ate pretty well for me this morning. Amor still didn't finish all of the food, but ate more than usual for me. I put them back out again to go potty before I had to leave. I gave everyone treats and said my goodbyes! They are all such cute and sweet puppies!

Lily & Grace

I had my last visit for the girls today. They were both jumping up and down when I got there. They dragged a towel out from somewhere. I put it on top of the washer and dryer, if you're wondering where it came from. I gave them their food and morning treats. Then they got their tummy rubs and back scratches while they were jumping up to try and lick my face! Then I said my goodbyes and told them mom and dad should be home today!