Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Sadi & Noell

This morning I found Sadi sitting by her food dishes. Noell popped out from her spot behind the clothes and came to sit by her bowl. I love when she sits up on her haunches, like "You have some food for me?" Hehe. I cleaned up their area while she was messing around in the bathroom. I caught her looking up at the counter as if she was going to jump up. She saw me watching and decided not to. She's learning! Sadi got her meds this morning. She kept trying to wander away from me today! Noell came and played in the living room while I got their food ready. She raced me back and sat up on her hind legs by her bowl, until I set her food down. She ate all her breakfast. Sadi enjoyed some pets until she was done, then she worked on hers as well. Noell and I had some play time in the living room with her fishy. This evening, little kitty was right at her bowl, as usual. She was meowing to me while I gathered their dishes. Sadi was snoozing away.


This afternoon I didn't have a happy wagging tail at the door to see me again. I walked in and saw that he was lounging on the couch today. He got up and did a big stretch, then ran over to see me. I said hi and gave him his heiny scratches, then we went outside. I tried to get him to play frisbee with me, but he wasn't interested. I even tried to get him to play chase with it. Nope! He just wanted to be a lazy bum today! Haha. Oscar lounged in the grass for most of the time. He got up occasionally to go check out different sounds he'd hear. We went inside when it was time, then, of course he runs and grabs his frisbee. Little goober! Haha. I tossed it for him a couple times inside, then it was time for his treat.