Friday, April 24, 2015

Oreo & Stuffs

This evening Oreo came running down the stairs when I came inside. He met me in the kitchen and was rubbing up against my legs and the cabinet doors. I had to wait for him to move so I could close their food door. Haha! He went to work while I took care of their things quick. Oreo was sitting by the living room waiting for me when I was done. He came trotting along with me to our spot, and almost got squished! He went walking under me as I was sitting on the floor. Haha. Oreo was happy for some attention time today. He purred away as he got his pets and rubbed his face on me. Later, I went to check what Stuffy was up to. He was just lounging on his ottoman upstairs.

Sadi & Noell

This morning I came in and Noell was in the kitchen, waiting for me. She brushed up against the cabinets while I grabbed Sadi's medicine. I saw Noell had made a mess trying to bury their food again. Silly lady! Sadi was sitting by the dishes, so I picked her up and gave her medicine quick. Noell raced down the hall as I was coming to get their breakfast ready. Sadi ate well for me and Noell came to snack a little. She was in quite the mood today! First, she would come up behind me and bite on my elbow or my knee. Later, as Sadi was enjoying her pets, Noell was busy playing with my sweatshirt strings. Then, she was actually licking my sweatshirt. Haha! Sadi worked on some more food before I left, and Noell got a little laser time.