Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Clovis, Snickers, Sophie & Patches

Everyone except Patches was waiting out front today. I went in and got all the food ready, and only Clovis was waiting hungrily to eat. He sure can eat fast! I think he had the plate cleaned before anyone else showed up for theirs. The rest came around the corner simultaneously. It was a little cooler today than it has been, mainly because it was so windy. Sophie really wanted to go inside. I had to gather the plates when they were finished because they started blowing all over the place! Not sure if you can tell in the picture, but Snickers was all covered in dust! He must have been having some fun today. As I was leaving, they were all out front again. Patches was checking out my front license plate on the car. He was fascinated by it or something, just looking at it and smelling it. lol

Can I go inside now?

Lily & Grace

The girls were very happy to see me. They were both in the backyard when I came. As I was getting their food ready, I could hear them in the garage. They were patiently waiting for their food out on the patio. Grace ate her paste and pills with no problems for me. They both wanted lots of attention! Of course, only after they were finished eating... Lily had to check and make sure that Grace didn't leave anything in her bowl too. They're so funny! They hadn't calmed down yet before it was time to go. I told them I would see them again in the morning.