Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dakota & Benny

I let Kota outside when I got there this afternoon. Benny was playing keep-away, running circles around the living room with his ball. Kota was not too happy that she was out and Benny was inside. I brought her back in and tried to catch sneaky little Benny! I almost had him a couple times when he would run past me, but he's just too quick! Eventually he decided he wanted to play fetch and brought me his ball, so I tricked him into going out. Kota ran out with him again and was just running like crazy in the backyard! She went potty again and her stool was pretty soft. I went over to check it and Kota zoomed past me and mud went flying! haha! I got them both all dried off when they came back inside. Benny and I played fetch for awhile while Kota sat by me and got her back scratched. I gave them both a treat before I left.

Mattie, Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie

Everyone was very quiet when I came in today. Usually I say hi when I walk in and they all start barking. Mattie was sleeping in the bedroom instead of by the door. I let them all out and wiped all their paws when they were ready to come back inside. I decided to try and give Buddy little pieces of cheese and turkey without the pills to see if he would even take anything. He spit the cheese out right away, but he did take the turkey. He only took one pill with that and kept getting the other out. I used the pigz-in-blanket treat again and got him to take the other one. Sugar and Jimmy were very snuggly with me this morning. Mattie came over and sat by me too while I pet her. Jimmy was the only one who went willingly in his cage today. The other two scattered when they knew it was that time! Sugar actually ran over to the other bedroom that they used to stay in.