Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Sadi & Noell

This morning I came in and little Noell was already sitting at her bowl waiting for me. Sadi was busy getting a drink of water. I picked up their room, then it was time for Sadi's meds. Noell was a crazy cat this morning, zooming around the house. She came and rolled around in the kitchen while I got breakfast ready. While she was busy eating, Sadi got some chin rubs. Noell was keeping an eye on me while I cleaned the house today. She would sit under the table and watch, zooming around occasionally. Every time I walked towards their room, she would go and sit by her bowl. "More food pwease?" Haha. Silly girl. This evening, I went in their room and found Sadi snoozing soundly. Noell poked her head up from her little box and watched me for a second. Then, she hopped out and wandered to her bowls and sat on her hind legs. I got her dinner for her, as well as a little more for Sadi. I woke Sadi up to clean her nose. Then, she decided to get up and walk around a bit.