Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Rusty, Ruby & the kitties

This afternoon Ruby came out of her bed and joined Rusty outside. It was a bit chilly out today, so they didn't stay out very long. Ruby came in and curled up on the couch next to me to take a nap. Rusty was in and out for awhile. He would go explore, then would come in and relax. Lance must have been out wandering the yard, because I didn't see him today.

Oreo & Stuffs

This evening Oreo meowed at me from the dining room when he heard me walk in. He was definitely in a lovey mood tonight! He was rubbing his face all over my legs, while I got their food ready. He met me in the living room later and continued his chin scratches in my hand. Oreo laid next to me for quite awhile and just purred away. Eventually, he wandered off. Stuffy never came to visit me, but I saw him as I was getting ready to leave. He was on his way up the stairs. Stuffy stopped and let me pet him quick, then went on his way. As I got to the front door, I saw where Oreo wandered off to. He was curled up on my shoes! Haha.

Sadi & Stormy

This morning I heard Stormy jingling on her way to meet me in the kitchen. She was busy rubbing against my legs, while I got breakfast ready. Sadi was sitting in the middle of the room, grooming. Stormy ate some food, while Sadi got her meds. I let her have a chance to snack as well. Then, we went to our spot. The girls both enjoyed some attention. This evening I didn't see Stormy in her usual spots. Sadi was snoozing on the bed. I woke her up for evening meds. Her nose sounded pretty good tonight.