Friday, November 29, 2013

Tank, C.J., Bella, & Bode

This evening I opened the door and saw three wiggly heinies! Bella was wiggling her whole body, she was so excited! I came in and pet all three pups for a few minutes. I don't have enough hands! I got them each their hot dog snack to start with. Since they all had enough food in their dishes, I got them their chicken treats next. I wanted to be able to supervise that, in case anyone decided to be sassy. They did great. I unwrapped the bone, which they seemed to wonder if they were going to get. I took that out to miss Zoey. As I passed the corner, I saw she had shredded a dog bed! Uh oh... I came in and pet her a bit, then gave her her snack. I filled her water bucket up some more while she was occupied. Next, I tried to pick up all the stuffing shrapnel. She made me laugh! She kept standing right under me, and on top of the pieces I was trying to pick up. "Hey lady, pet me!" I think she was trying to get my attention... haha! I got that all picked up, then loved on her a bit. When I headed back, all three pups were at the gate, waiting for me. They surrounded me as soon as I got in! I loved on them some more too. Then, we headed inside. I saw Bode was in the kitchen. I went to check and make sure he had enough food before I left.

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