Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Taz & Clyde

This morning the boys met me at the door as usual. We headed outside quick, then they ate their breakfast. They were ready to go for their walk! We saw some fun things today. As we were walking, Taz spotted a big white kitty sittinf across the street. The boys really wanted to go get it! Once we passed, they got focused back on our walk. Then, I spotted a huge turtle up ahead in the field! They wanted to go check out what that goofy looking thing was. We headed onward to the pond and kept our distance from mister turtle. We saw another one dive into the pond when we got close. As we made our way back, we watched the big turtle being rescued since he had ventured into the road. Before I left I noticed the roomba was off and sitting under a chair. It must have gotten stuck, so I returned it to its station. This afternoon the boys and I went outside while they enjoyed their rawhides. We took a break to come in and cool off at one point since it was pretty hot today. We went out once more before it was time to go. There was a dog outside by the corner of the fence that they had to go talk to. This evening there was a nice breeze which helped it feel cooler out. The boys did their business while I got their food and water ready. Clyde was bouncing around after, already getting excited for our walk. We took a nice stroll down to the pond. There were some other people out tonight, jogging or walking their dogs. The boys took one more potty break when we got home.

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