Thursday, June 13, 2013

Griffin & Macy

This morning I didn't even get a single bark when I walked in! They both had woken up and were just sitting and waiting for me to come to the back door. It was a very nice morning out, so we spent most of the time outside. Griffin came by me once in awhile, leaning up against me for a back scratch. He and Macy explored around the yard and did a lot of sniffing around. Later, we headed in and they each got a drink and nibbled a bit for breakfast. This afternoon the pups got up and followed me outside. Griffin stretched out on the grass for awhile and sunned himself. Macy rolled around in the grass and itched her back. She was busy sniffing all around the yard again. Griffin came up to smell the other pet smells on me and got his back scratched for a bit. We went inside for a bit so they could get a drink. Macy started nibbling on their food, so Griffin had to have a few bites too. The neighbor dog was out when we went back out for their last potty break. So, they all started racing along the fence! This evening Macy came down the hallway to see me. I let the pups outside so they could do their business. Macy wandered off to do some checking around. Griffin and I had some fun playing fetch with his football! While we were playing, a bird flew overhead, so Griffin had to drop the ball and try to chase it. We headed in so Griff could get some food and water. They've been very good about eating for me! They come in and nibble a bit every time. Later, we went back outside again for the rest of our visit. Griffin had brought his football inside, so we played with the baseball instead. He was bouncing around and being all silly!

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