Saturday, September 21, 2013

Bella, Louie & Chico

This morning was very nice and cool outside. I let everyone out, then got them their breakfast. The cool weather must have been making them spunky today! Chico came in by me and was hopping around with his front end down ans heiny up in the air. He was trying to get me to play, so I stopped and we messed around. He took off outside, then Louie came bouncing in. He was zooming around the house, rolling up the rugs as he went! Bella was outside running laps. Then, she was prancing around with her nose up in the air, catching the scent of something. She saw some birds up in the tree as well. When I sat out there with them, Chico decided to hop up on the table next to me! I hadn't seen him do that before. Silly pup! This afternoon was just amazing out. All three spent as much time as they could out in the yard. Bella and Chico laid in the grass and let the warm sun shine on them for awhile. Bella and Louie also did some exploring. The pups all got their snacks before I left this afternoon. This evening was still cool outside. Bella was having a blast chasing after a grasshopper that was bouncing around on the patio! That was pretty funny. Bella and Louie were zooming around a bit in the dark, chasing after each other. When it was time, we headed inside for bed.

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