Friday, July 26, 2013

Titus & Angel

This morning the pups were very excited to see me again. They were bouncing all over the place. Titus kept nudging my hand while I was putting Angel's collar back on. That was making it a little difficult! Haha! Then, he was trying to roll around when it was his turn. Finally, I got them ready and let them outside. They came back in to work on their breakfast a bit. Then, we headed to the back porch. It was drizzling out at the moment, so the dogs just lounged around. Angel saw a big bird at the back of the yard, that she ran off to chase after! Good thing for the bird, there was a fence between them. We were due for some storms this morning, so I kept the pups inside. I came back this afternoon to give them a potty break. The rain had stopped and I checked the radar again. It looked like we were done, so I let them stay out the rest of the afternoon. This evening, Titus was just lounging around. He perked up when he saw me and went racing to the back. They watched me head to their area through the window, and went running to meet me. They ate their dinner, then we went back outside. As I went to fill each of their water bowls, the pups were trying to figure out where I was going. So, I saw them racing from one place to the other! I went and sat outside with them awhile. They each took turns coming to get pet. Then, they'd wander off or lay down and relax.

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