Saturday, June 29, 2013

Murdy & Charlie

This morning Murdy was the first to come see me. Charlie was making his way down the stairs and hopped right over the gate. Charlie was really wanting my attention when I walked in! He stood up on his hind legs as he rubbed up against my leg. He raced up to the counter with Murdy. They both sat there to be pet for a minute. I got out a new can of food for Charlie. Murdy seemed pretty interested when I opened it, and climbed back on the counter to see what I was doing. I let Charlie eat while I cleaned up their box and got them fresh food and water. After he was done, we played in the living room with his chirpy toy. I even got Murdy playing a little with their tunnel. Eventually, he decided to just go eat while Charlie and I played. This evening the kitties followed me around once I got in. Charlie was excited for his dinner and was talking away. Murdy visited with me for a little bit for some attention without his little brother. Then, Murdy went and sat outside the bathroom door while Charlie ate. Charlie sat and cleaned himself for awhile after he ate. He was more lovey dovey tonight and wasn't as interested in playing. Murdy made me laugh when I looked over at him. There was one tiny square of sunlight shining in the front hallway, and he was sitting exactly in it. He just fit!

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