Saturday, June 29, 2013

Jackie & Meeko

This morning, Meeko was up by the front door, ready to say hi. I let Jackie boy outside to do his business. When he came in I got their breakfast ready. Meeko was wandering all over the place. He hopped up by the tv, then was up on the counter, brushing up against the cards. Jackie wasn't too interested in breakfast yet, so I figured we'd get our walk done, and hopefully he would work up his appetite. He was bouncing all over the place again when I got his leash out. He was very excited for our walk! We got a nice long walk in again today. When we got back home, Jackie pulled out his sock toy and we had a game of tug. He kept cheating! He would pull on his end with his mouth, then would use a paw to help him pull. We had fun with that for awhile. Meeko just watched us as he lounged on the table. We took a break from playing so he could eat. I gave Jackie a couple of the good pieces by hand, to get his appetite going. Then, I just sat by his bowl. He started to eat on his own then. He was hungrier than he thought, he was just too worried about playing! We went outside for a last potty break. He grabbed his tennis ball and we messed around with that for a few minutes. He'd shake the ball in his mouth, tossing his head around. Then, he'd stare at me and stick his heiny in the air. He'd bring his ball just out of reach, and dared me to grab it! We had fun. This afternoon was another pretty warm day. I let Jackie out and brought out another frozen snack for him. He wasn't as interested in that today. He ate most of it, so I saved the rest. I think the wind and the sounds of things falling from the trees had him a little agitated. We headed inside and played another game of tug. He got distracted when Meeko was in the kitchen, standing on the counter and pawing at the top cupboards! That was funny to watch him being intrigued by the cat. He took one more potty break then came in and enjoyed a kong snack. This evening Jackie and I headed outside right away. The neighbor kids were out playing with their dogs, so there was running, screaming, barking and all kinds of commotion! That got Jackie all excited. He sat and watched them for a bit, then he raced around too. Meeko really wanted my attention, so he was peeking out at me through the window! Jackie and I came back in so he could eat dinner. This time, he ate all on his own... after I came back from cleaning the litter box of course!

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