Thursday, November 4, 2010

Maggie & Moe

This morning the girls were both sleeping in their room, but came zooming out as soon as they heard me! We went outside and they took off chasing as soon as their feet hit the concrete. They chased around and grabbed different toys to tease each other with. It was still pretty chilly out this morning, so it wasn't too long before they were ready to head inside. Maggie and Moe both had a little breakfast after their treats. Then it was playtime! They both were hopping all around me on either side, trying to kiss my face. Moe ran off and grabbed herself a rawhide. Maggie snuggled up with me for a little while, then decided to try and get Moe's rawhide! This afternoon they were snoozing away again in their room. Moe came out and quietly watched me for a second. Then they were both out and dancing around to go outside! It was such a gorgeous afternoon! They both did a little running around at first, then laid down to soak up the warm sunshine. Moe was rolling around in the grass and just loving it up! Later, it was time for more chasing, around and around they went.

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