Friday, October 21, 2016

Eisley & Indy

This morning I had a little scare and couldn't get the opener to work at first. I kept messing with it and it eventually opened for me. Whew! I went in and the pups were waiting, since they knew I was here for a little bit. Haha. They were eager to get their breakfast. I filled their dishes and waited for them to finish. Indy headed back outside right away again, so Eisley enjoyed some pets on her own. After a little bit, Indy came in and got some attention as well. They each got their cookies before I left. This evening, the opener acted up again, but I got it to open again for me. Worst case, I'll just go run and get a new battery for it. But hopefully it'll work once more in the morning for me.  The pups waited patiently as I filled their dishes for dinner. While they ate, I got them some more water. Indy ran outside to go explore and bark at something. I sat on the step by the door to pet Eisley. I heard a sound behind me that startled me. I later realized it was the kitty scratching at the door. I guess kitty wanted some pets too! Haha. It kept meowing to me. Even Indy had to bark when he heard it scratch. He had returned for some attention, and of course his cookie.

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