Saturday, May 23, 2015

Hudson, Zel, Gabbie & Blackie

This morning all the kiddos lined up at the door, bouncing up and down excitedly to greet me. We made our way to the back door and on outside. All the pups ran out and did their thing. They lined up at the door and waited for their paws to get dried off. Once inside, they were all dancing around in the kitchen. Time to eat! I got their breakfast ready and they all ate well. It was pretty nice out this morning, so we went back out to enjoy it. Blackie sat by me for some pets again. The girls and Hudson all did some exploring around the yard. Hudson was way at the very corner, checking things out. Soon, it was time to dry off and come back inside again. I tucked them in their beds and Blackie wandered off down to his room. This evening, I could hear all the pups barking. They knew I was here! Blackie was at the door to greet me. I let the little ones out and they went out back. It was raining this time. Blackie and Hudson suddenly took off after something! Not sure what it was, but whatever it was, ran up the tree! They both stood there and barked at it. Haha. I got the pups dried off and fed them their dinners. Little Hudson was naughty and made an attempt to try and get Blackie to leave his bowl. I put a stop to that, then Hudson came and sat by me for a time out. Not really though... haha. He just got some pets instead. Then, Gabbie went and tried to sneak some from Zel! Guess they were hungry kids tonight. After Zel finished up her bowl, we went outside. As soon as we got out there, it really started to downpour! So, we went in and visited instead. Gabbie and Hudson got some attention. Blackie went off to bed, and Zel worked on her bone.

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