Sunday, October 19, 2014

Hudson, Zel, Gabbie & Blackie

It was a chilly start outside this morning. I said hi to the kiddos inside, then let them all out to do their business. They were pretty quick about that! They all lined up at the door to come get their breakfast. After they all ate, we went outside again. The girls were ready to go in after they pottied again, so they, Blackie and I headed inside. I sat with Gabbie as she snuggled up next to me on her blanket. Zel was busy chewing on her bone and playing with the little pink toy. Blackie hung out for a few pets, then eventually wandered off to his room. Hudson was having a blast outside I guess! I went out to get him when it was time. He was just busy exploring. This evening Blackie was barking and all excited when I got in. He kept prancing around while I got the other kids out. The girls kept running underneath Blackie on their way out, so he kept having to hop on a couple legs in order to avoid stepping on them. Haha! Everyone ran outside to do their business. Back inside, they all bounced around, ready for their dinners. We went back out again once Zel and Gabbie finished up. It was a nice evening out. All four spent some time roaming around the yard and checking things out. They kept busy until I called them in for the night.

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