Monday, July 14, 2014

Kaya, Kylie, Reese, Madison & Max

This morning everyone was prancing around excitedly when I let them out. I opened the door and all but Max ran outside to do their business. I helped Max along, as usual, and he joined the others. Back inside, we got ready for breakfast. The big girls had finished their food from last night, but didn't want to eat again while I was there. I put their food up and gave Max and Reese some time to chow down. Later, we went back outside. It was pretty nice out this morning, since we had some storms roll through overnight. All the pups spent some time exploring. Kylie kept sniffing at the air! Haha. I guess she could smell the rain coming. About half way through our visit, it started to sprinkle a bit. We still hung around outside. Max kept coming up and pawing on my legs for some pets. The big girls saw I was giving those out, so they came running over for some too. Just as we were heading inside, it started to rain pretty good. The rain held out just long enough. Couldn't ask for more perfect timing! This evening Kylie was howling at me from her kennel and the little ones were bouncing up and down when I walked in. We all went out so they could take a quick potty break before dinner. Max and Reese got to work on their food on the bed. Kaya and Kylie helped me get Madison 's dinner next. Kylie was so busy roo-roo-ing at me, that she wasn't paying attention and clonked her head on the wall. Oopsie! Haha. Max and Reese are eating better every time I see them. The big girls, well, they'd rather have attention or be outside. They do well when I leave it in their room for them though! We headed out after dinner. Max sure likes hanging out by me. I think he misses his momma! The pups heard something out towards the front of the yard tonight, so they all went running to check it out. After awhile everyone surrounded me at the same time for some attention. Kylie has no problem barging her way in through the others! Haha. Jealous lady. She was busy sniffing at the air again tonight. Wonder what she smells this time? When it was time to head in, Kylie and the little ones ran inside. Kaya was still lounging around on the patio. Haha. She came in when I went back to get her.

1 comment:

  1. Yep that sounds just like all of them! The big are always jealous of others getting attention and barge their way in! Hahaha
