Sunday, December 22, 2013

Sadie, Zoie & Cole

This morning there was a light dusting of snow on top of all the ice. I let Zoie out first. She came in and went straight for her toys, while I let the other two out. Cole still didn't want to go out on the crunchy grass, and took a long time to figure out where he wanted to try. He eventually made his way out and did his business. Everyone got their breakfast, and they all finished pretty quick this morning. Zoie was crying at me for awhile, wanting me to play. She then brought her frisbee over and pushed it down on top of my hand. "Here ya go!" Cole came over for his heiny scratches. This afternoon the pups each took their turn outside. Cole was much quicker to hop on the grass this time. When they all came in and got dried off, we went to sit in the living room. Cole even laid down and chewed on a bone along with Zoie. Sadie just sat and pawed at me, wanting her pets. In return, I'd get plenty of kisses. Later, the girls were busy messing around and chasing each other. This evening the kiddos went out to do their business. Back inside, they quickly ate their dinners. All three joined me in the living room afterwards. Cole was in a playful mood! He bravely grabbed a bone that was sitting by Zoie. She was busy gnawing on a different one. Once he had it, he threw it to the ground and jumped on it with his front paws! He tossed it around. I bounced a ball for him too, which he chased around. Sadie rolled around on the floor, being a spunky girl too! When it was time, I tucked them all in their beds.

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