Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sadie, Zoie & Cole

This morning I let Zoie outside. She spent a little bit wandering out there, then I heard her barking about something. She had gotten herself stuck! I got her loose and dried her off before letting the other two out. I got them all their breakfast, and Cole got his morning pill. Zoie made sure to get her Frisbee out to play. She flopped it in my lap, wanting to play some tug. Sadie was goofing around, rolling on the floor and being silly. Cole was happy just getting his heiny scratches. I bounced a ball around for him a bit too. Sadie was hanging around the back door for a bit, so I let her out again. She spent a bit exploring out there. This afternoon, the pups all met me at the door. After they all had their potty breaks, Zoie was excited to gather up her toys for me. Sadie spent awhile outside again, since it was pretty nice out. The sun was shining and melting the snow. This time, she was the one who got stuck! This evening Sadie was bouncing around, excited to go outside. She was happy sitting out there for awhile, keeping an eye out for her little black neighborhood kitty. Zoie kept busy bringing me toys to toss for her. I fed the pups their dinner before bed.

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