Saturday, July 6, 2013

Bella, Louie & Chico

This afternoon the house was quiet when I arrived. The second I opened the bedroom door, the barks began! Chico and Louie were really going to town. Haha! I had opened the back door and I started to let them out one by one. They zoomed off, but then one would come back to check me out as I walked outside. Bella loved me instantly and was pretty much attached to me the whole time! I tried to keep them as settled as possible, so I sat down and let them smell me. Louie came over for a minute, then went to sit in the grass. He seemed pretty itchy today. Chico was the last to come see me, but he did fine and let me pet him right away too. Bella sat and wouldn't let me even think about stopping the pets and back scratches! Louie came over and I found a good itchy spot for him. His leg was going like crazy. We went in and out a few times so they could get a drink and cool off. I tried to get Bella to play fetch, but she was too excited for now. This evening the pups heard me pull up and I could hear them bark a bit inside. I got in and let them all out, and this time they were all outside waiting for me. Bella sat with me awhile for some attention. Later, she went for a sprint back and forth along the fenceline. I let Chico and Louie in and let everyone work on their dinner. When it was time we headed inside. Chico was first to get in his bed again this evening, without me even asking! Then Bella wandered in hers and Louie in his. Such good pups!

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