Friday, May 31, 2013

Harvey & Sasha

It was a quiet morning for us, as the storms had passed in the night. Everything is well at the house. Harvey came up to the gate and barked a bit as I pulled up. His tail started going and he was already happy for attention when I reached the gate. He trotted alongside me as we headed to the patio. There was nothing to clean up this morning, so I went ahead and made sure they had enough food. Sasha got up and followed us around a bit. She and Harvey wandered off and did a little exploring in the yard. Harvey came running back for me to pet him some more. Sasha decided to go curl up in her house and take a nap. This evening Harvey was right at the gate again. It was a pretty nice day out, but a little humid. The storms are on their way to our area again. Harvey was so excited when I got in and was smelling all the different animals on me. He continued to smell me while I refilled their water jug. Sasha was just lounging comfortably on the patio. I gave them some more food, then it was time to pet Harvey. I tried to give Sasha some attention too, but Harvey thwarted my efforts. He kept walking under my arm in between Sasha and I like, "Hey don't forget to pet me!" Harvey did some exploring about the yard again. He came back and laid on the patio like Sasha for awhile. He would get excited every now and again when he'd hear a loud car or motorcycle, then would race to the fence to investigate!

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