Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Buckley, Chloe, Tizzy & JR

This afternoon the pups were excited to get outside! They all raced to the back door. I noticed Bootsie was a little lump under the blankets on the bed as I passed by. Surprisingly, no one jumped in the pool right away. They all ran for their tree and sat under it. Then, they would move on to the next one or race to the back of the fence whenever they saw a bird or squirrel! Chloe eventually decided to take a dip in the pool. Then of course, like any dog would do, she had to roll around in some dirt! Tizzy came running and jumped up into my lap for some attention. JR came over next and got himself a drink. He kept looking into the pool like he was going to jump in, but just couldn't do it. Buck tested the water and only got his feet wet. He decided it wasn't just right, so then he came to sit next to me for a back scratch. Several times, Tizzy and JR were fighting over who got to sit in my lap by trying to push each other off! They would run over and leap into my lap and each try to crawl up higher than the other. I was laughing so hard! Then Chloe came and started singing at me. When it was time we headed in and they all went right to their room to wait for their treat! Chloe stole one of the baby's bones out of their kennel until I collected them all for the peanut butter. Through all the commotion, Bootsie was making his way upstairs, probably to go soak up some nice warm sunlight!
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