Saturday, June 5, 2010

Dakota & Benny

This morning they had a little energy to burn. I got them hooked up and opened the front door as we were getting ready to leave. They both started freaking out and it scared the crap outta me! haha! There was a black cat sitting on the front porch and they wanted to go get him! I waited until it ran away before I opened the glass door. As soon as they got out they were pulling, trying to go after him. Eventually they lost interest and we were able to get going. We took another nice long walk today! They both got a comment on how beautiful they were by someone walking to their car. Kota ate some breakfast when we got home. After I gave Benny his allergy pill I tossed his ball for him and gave him a good back scratch. This afternoon it got very hot out, so we played out in the backyard for a little bit. They both sat under the tree in the shade. Kota rolled around like a silly little girl! Kota was ready to go back inside pretty soon and they were both panting pretty well. We played inside again and ran around. Tonight I let Kota out and she was telling me she wanted another walk! There was a nice breeze out so we went for a nice long walk again. There were several dogs out tonight playing in their front yards. When we were about half way through, I saw a dog and his owners turn onto our path about a block ahead. Kota and Benny picked up the trail as soon as we got to it and boy were they on a mission! Kota was weaving back and forth, frantically smelling the ground! Benny was so interested in trying to find that dog that he didn't even care about his usual houses. They were both very tired when we got home. I gave Kota her supper and Benny his pill. Kota had to take a break from eating and rest a few minutes before she finished.

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