Friday, June 4, 2010

Dakota & Benny

We went for a nice long walk this morning before it got hot out! There were lots of birds out sitting in the dewey grass, so Kota and Benny were quite the bird hunters today! When we got home I gave them extra time to eat their breakfast. Kota ate most of her food for me. I gave Benny his allergy pill while he was waiting for his food. This afternoon it was way too hot and humid out, so we played in the backyard for a little while. I threw the ball for Benny. Kota was ready to go back inside within a short period of time. We went inside and I tossed Benny's ball some more. Then, we started chasing each other around the living room! Kota would jump up and try to stop me by grabbing onto me with her front paws. She sometimes would go the opposite way to head Benny and I off, then other times she would come the same way and zoom past us! Tonight it had cooled off a bit so we went for another nice long walk after I watered the plants. They were both pretty happy about that. Kota was busy hunting birds and stopping to watch them fly over her. Benny did his usual taunting of the dogs that were stuck in their backyards! haha! Kota got to meet some new people today. A couple was leaving their house and commented on how gorgeous she was! Then they came over to pet her. Benny did very well too. I kept him close by my side and he didn't even bark at them. There was a new house that had some little dogs in their yard this evening. Kota and Benny both went crazy! They were getting so excited over it that they almost started to get too sassy with each other. They were pretty wiped out when we got home. They both crashed on the tile floor to cool down for a bit. I gave Benny his allergy pill while Kota had a little supper before bedtime.

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