Saturday, March 20, 2010

Pheonix, Coal & Oliver

This morning Pheonix was up already and met me at the door. The other two were still sleeping. Oliver was snuggled up on the couch and Coal was sleeping in the kitchen on the rug. Coal didn't wake up until I went over by him and called his name! He must be a deep sleeper. They all went out for me this morning when I got there and again before I left. They were still pretty sleepy so they all curled up by me for awhile. For my early afternoon visit, I let the boys spend as much time outside as possible, since they'd probably be cooped up tomorrow. Oliver always waited until I was fully outside to come out with us. They all explored around the yard and enjoyed the nice warm sun. Pheonix got a little jealous... I was petting Coal and he came over and pulled my hand away with his paw! For my late afternoon visit we all spent the majority of it outside. Pheonix and I ran around the yard for a bit while Oliver was saying hi to Max. After they were all tired out they laid in the house by the kitchen. Tonight at my early night visit they were all ready to go outside! When they were done they all ran into the kitchen and waited for their yum yums! The boys lounged around inside and Coal had some supper. I turned on the tv for them for the night and left their night light on. I also turned the heat on, so they'll be nice and warm when the cold hits! For my late night visit the boys all met me at the door when I came in. It had been raining now for awhile, and definitely is getting cold out! I let them all out and went outside with them. Coal came out, but didn't want to venture out into the grass to go potty. I tried taking him out front, but the rain was blowing around so bad, that didn't work either. I'm sure he'll have to go when I come in the morning and maybe it will have turned over by then. They were all pretty sleepy and laid down shortly after they came inside. They're all doing great!

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