Friday, January 8, 2010

Mattie, Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie

Everyone went out quickly and came running back inside today! It's -11 with the windchill... brrr! I started getting their meds ready while they munched on their breakfast. I was using the cheese again and saved Buddy for last this time. Again, he took it no problem! I gave Mattie all her Glyco Flex chews today, so you won't have to worry about those. Buddy was running around the house like crazy today. He was up on the fireplace, trying to look for something. Then he found a rawhide, so he was trying to hide it in the couch. After that he was looking out the window for awhile. Sugar and Jimmy were all snuggled in my lap, with Mattie leaning up against my legs and head in my lap. They were keeping me nice and warm! I looked around to see what Buddy was up to and saw him under Charlie's cage. I said "Buddy, what are you doing?" and he whipped around with seeds all stuck to his nose and a feather sticking out of his mouth! lol

1 comment:

  1. All 3 little dogs eat the seeds Charlie throws out.. It's crazy - they are crazy :) Glad he was feeling well. He's actually the healthiest I've seen him in a long time - it's nice - especially with Mattie going down some. Either way the vet makes his mortgage on me alone :) Pictures are great - thanks!
