Friday, January 8, 2010

Dakota & Benny

I let Dakota and Benny out back for awhile today. I went outside with them to make sure Dakota didn't escape. I noticed she stood on her hind legs a couple times, peeking over the fence. So my guess is that she probably hopped over. Benny was busy running back and forth along the fenceline with the little neighbor dog. Dakota sure liked my scarf! She kept jumping up and trying to play with it. I noticed Dakota has some very loose stool today, just thought I'd let you know. After I knew they both had gone potty, we went back inside for a bit. They both enjoyed me petting them and giving them back scratches! Kota would get jealous if I was petting Benny and not her.


  1. Thanks for letting us know about Kotas loose stools. We took her to the vet yesterday and they are running a test on her to see if she has pancreas issues. Hopefully not! Hopefully we can figure out whats wrong with her so she can gain a little wait, the skinny thing! thanks again!

  2. Oh no problem! :) I hope she's doing ok!! Poor girl...
