Sunday, December 21, 2014

Oreo & Stuffs

This evening I came in and Oreo met me in the kitchen after I called for him. He sat in the middle of the room and would offer up his little meows occasionally, as I got his dinner ready. When I finished taking care of their food and water, I took a peek in the bedroom to see if Stuffy was in there. I didn't see him on the bed or chair, so I went to see if he was in his closet. Yep! He looked up at me as I poked my head in. There you are! I said hi to him for a minute, then went back to the living room to visit Oreo. He was, of course, waiting patiently. We sat by the fire for awhile and he enjoyed his pets and chin scratches. He stayed with me just up until it was about time to go, then he decided to go snack on his food anyways. Stuffy must have been too comfy to get up today. I don't blame him. It's been cloudy weather outside, which makes me want a nap too! Haha.

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