Saturday, September 27, 2014

Rusty & Ruby

This afternoon Ruby came racing outside, barking away. She saw it was me, then calmed down. Rusty came out as well, and they both followed me inside. I checked to make sure there weren't any messes to clean up, and that they had enough water. Since all was good, the pups and I wandered back out. Rusty went to roll around in the grass, like usual. Ruby was hanging out on the patio, so I called her to come out by us. She came and sat by me for some heiny scratches, then did her business and went back in. Rusty and I got a little game of fetch in. This evening, the kiddos both came out to see who was here. We went in and I got them their dinners. After they ate, we went out and I fed the big kids. Miss Chloe was following me around, thinking she could try and steal a bite from the bucket! Haha. I caught on though, so she had to go pick a bowl instead. Rusty and I played a game of fetch outside awhile, then we went in for the night. I checked in on Salem and she was just hanging out on the bed.

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