Saturday, August 9, 2014

Penny, Conroy, Jacob & Ricky

This morning I went to go get Jacob from the kitty area. Mader came to say hi. I found Jacob sleeping on his little bed in one of the rooms. He came wandering over and I said hi, then took him in by the others. We all went outside for their potty break. Ricky was hanging back at first, so I carried him out. They were all so excited! Jacob went out to the far end of the yard and did his business. Ricky kept running towards the front of the yard, to listen to people he could hear outside having their yard sale. Penny and Conroy were pretty much attached to me, wanting all the attention they could get! It started raining and thundering while we were out, so that kept everyone from wanting to leave the shelter of the patio. Little lady was so excited this morning, that it got her coughing pretty good. So, when we went in I got her a pill. I gave all the kiddos a treat too. We sat in the kitchen and everyone got plenty of attention. Jacob really likes me! He was dancing around all excited behind the table, so I called him over and held the other two off to the side. He came over and got pet and had his little tail wagging like crazy. So cute! Ricky would come over too, so I'd pick him up to keep him from getting stepped on. I stayed surrounded the whole time! This afternoon I let the kiddos outside when I arrived. Since the sun was out now, they were more willing to wander out to the grass. We hung outside for a little while, until they were starting to get warm. We went in to play for a bit. I grabbed a few toys from the basket to play with. Only Conroy was interested. He made me laugh, chasing the toy around with his mouth open! Haha. Ricky and Penny just wanted pets. Ricky kept trying to snuggle up in my lap, but would shy away since the other two were hogging my attention. He eventually curled up on his giant bed. Jacob was being all cute again too! He would come over, tail and heiny wiggling. Then, he'd give me a bunch of kisses, prance around and spin a couple of his circles. I let them all out again before I left for one more potty break. We had fun today. They're all such cutie pies!

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