Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Kaya, Kylie, Reese, Madison & Max

This morning I let the pooches outside for their potty break. They came in and all the little ones ate. Kylie laid on the floor and was busy talking to me. Kaya came and stood beside me, then kept pawing at me to let her out. When the kiddos finished, we all headed outside. It was nice and cool out this morning. I think the cool air put some spunk into them! Kaya suddenly started running towards me with her butt hunkered down. She zoomed by and ran over towards Kylie, circled around and came back again. She did it a bunch of times and had me laughing. Ah, that silly husky run! Then later Kylie was racing laps around the yard, with Reese running behind her and barking and growling. Silly pups! Reese went crazy rolling around and itching herself on one of the chairs too. Max was pawing at me for some attention. He and Madison stayed close, but later they did some venturing as well. This evening the kiddos went out before dinner. Max, Madison and Reese all ate well again. Kaya and Kylie had finished one bowl of their food from this morning that I left out for them. They both laid around again. Kylie hopped up on the bed to get closer to my height to give me her husky "roo". Kaya was being sassy and kept knocking the blinds around to tell me she wanted out! I let them all go back out to play awhile before bedtime. Kylie was standing at the edge of the pool sniffing at the shark in there. Haha. Everyone was busy either exploring or just lounging around and relaxing tonight. When it was time, all but Kaya ran inside. I went back out, then she came running too. Silly lady!

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